Sunday, May 8, 2016

Day of Rest.....

There were less blooms this year than normal but the ones I had were beautiful. Being the first to bloom they are the first to blow away in the wind.  We are having wind today and the iris are taking a beating. We had an early morning rain that didn't amount to very much but it keeps the dust down.

The one perfect shot of an iris that I shared yesterday on my Photo a Day blog is now a glob of iris.  I see the three will be joined soon by another.  They don't usually bloom out this many so fast but maybe this old fashioned variety does.

The allium is doing well and the wind blows it back and forth like balls on sticks. They are getting lighter in color as the tiny little flowers on them are now opening. I mowed back here yesterday and there are a few alliums that come up in the yard that get special treatment.  I let them live instead of mowing over them.  Once the flowers diminish some I will mow them down. I should dig them and move them to another place on the property.

This old fashioned iris is taking a beating today in the wind.  Maybe when the wind dies down later today it can regroup and take back a good shape.  The colors of this flower really do remind me of what I think of when one says iris.  The larger hybrids of this variety is beautiful though. I don't have hybrids except for one white one that the neighbor gave to me.  I do have a couple of new starts of hybrids but they have this year to show off as they have never bloomed for me.

The fires in Canada are so catastrophic. I feel so badly for people who have just been wiped out in an instant and not a place to go. The ability to exit their city was so difficult.  We had the smoke from that fire around most of the day here Saturday in central Iowa.  It seemed like fog in early morning but when you went out side it was like someone had a bonfire burning.  It was explained that the cold front between us and Minnesota pushed it down on us.  I hope the burning can be stopped soon.

I thank you all for stopping by on this day.  I wish you well. 

1 comment:

  1. Your garden blows are lovely, Larry. We also had many irises in the VA yard, but several of the all white ones would be so top-heavy they would topple over after blooming. They are quite an intricate flower, but so short lived. And, I too have read the news accounts of the fire devastation in Canada and it is heartbreaking.
