Monday, May 9, 2016

Purple and it is Raining........

When you have a new grandson one has to buy at least one stuffed creature.  Teddy, our grandson, is only 20 days old now and this is going into the mail today.  If you squeeze the one toe you hear real giggling sounds of a child.  We get to see Teddy and his brother on facetime about every 3 days or so. The requirement of Teddy being away determines when we get to see him.  Last night the 3 year old was waiting for the connection and said, "Happy Mother's Day Grandma." He abruptly went offf somewhere to find a toy to show her.

The old fashion iris put out three in a row all in a two day period. The leaf covers one of them in the photo but it works as a good composition anyway.

I only planted a few bulbs many years ago and it has spread out throughout that garden area. I see the little flowers on the end of each stem is now open.

One of my iris that I moved to a new location put out a deformed flower as its first bloom  Maybe something hit it and broke off some petals but I really didn't see any on the ground.

This is going to be a great year for hosta.  I know I have said that before.  The only thing that could shut them down now would be a hail storm.  The just are flourishing with all that moisture in the ground.

At the last minute today I picked up a job with the high school social studies room.  Most of the classes are seniors who are finishing up the last of the work for the year. They can't screw up their grades so they are working with earnest behaviors to get the assignment done. It rained early this morning and it has moved north for now.  I haven't seen the full radar to see if we will be revisited with  more rain or not. I thank you for stopping by today.


  1. We Have rain today with storms coming tonight from Texas.
    Great photo's today.

  2. Facetime is amazing. So good for you to stay connected. Looking more and more like spring.

  3. I have those same irises -- such beauties!

  4. How nice to be able to "see" Teddy and AJ often and interact with them. Our neighbors are expecting a boy on June 2. John and I are on stand-by to babysit the 1 yr old girl.
    My mom's favorite color was purple/lavender. I love these flower photos.
