Friday, May 6, 2016

Friday Finds.......

This one globe allium is close to being fully opened.  All the little flowers at the end of each stem are still not quite opened.  When it is in full bloom it will be lighter in color.

This morning when I left for work this iris had opened up to show me that it is an old fashioned all dark blue (purple) iris. As I am a day late on photos, usually, I will share this blooming  tomorrow.  All of my iris are looking good this year.  The iris behind this bud in the photo is definitely going to be a different flower color that the foreground one.

Since I am already sharing iris, this is another transplanted one that shows it is going to bloom.  I am betting it is the large white iris as I had large clumps of it to move last spring.  This is the new garden area I created two years ago and it is filling in with lots of plants that I have put there and also a very healthy fern in the background.

The balsam pine is going to really grow this year as the neighbor maple is gone.  It will get full sunlight all day long and that will make it shoot up fast. It is already too tall for me to put Christmas lights on it and with a couple of more feet on it I should have a great specimen pine.

I will go with the name of wild phlox.  I brought it in from the river bank along the Des Moines river probably 30 years ago.  It keeps growing and spreading.  It isn't easy for it as the lily of the valley and a day lily is in the same area.  I loved seeing these in the timber in spring when I was young.

I will finish off today with another larger spot of color.  The tulips have held out a lot longer with the cold weather. They stayed up tight most of the days rather than getting weathered. They will go in the next few days as we hit middle 80's here today.  I am not really ready to run an air conditioner but it may have to happen soon.  We open the windows now to cool off the house as much as possible in the mornings and then close everything up to save the cooler air.

I am in the 6th grade English class today. It is fun to be around them as they are still pretty young in spirit. At their age they are all into rules and obeying them and making sure others are obeying them.  I wish you all a great day today and I hope the weekend is going to be good one for everyone. Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. I am looking forward tom seing your Iris in full bloom. Yes 6th graders are still "nice" :)
