Thursday, May 5, 2016

Thursday is Here..........

It is a great sight to see the rhubarb sprouting out like this.  We are not in a drought so we will be able to get many pickings from this plant.

A teacher friend stopped by yesterday and pulled enough stalks to make pie and cake.  Barney sat and stared at her through the window to be sure she wasn't going to come close to the house. My two plantings of rhubarb have finally become strong established plants.  As you drive through town and you can see all the older houses have plantings in their backyard.  A lot of it is never used but it is there as a tradition from the gardeners of the past.

The sun was in the west and the glow of the sun was a strip of light.  The cell phone camera picked it up but doesn't get a perfect focus.
The hostas are doing a good job of surrounding the globe alliums like rows of planned shrubbery.
In Iowa the horticulturalist are saying this is the worse year for creeping Charlie in the history of the state.  The conditions through winter helped it to grow and the spring rains have made it be a dominate part of my backyard. I am thinking that I need to till the dogs backyard completely and then see if I can slow it down.  That is the blue color in the yard that you are seeing and not wild violets.  I know stiff chemicals can kill it but one can't do that in the yards where you keep pets.

The globe allium is not completely opened yet as the cool weather kept it in check.  Two warm days will bring them out.

Coral bells continue to grow well and soon there will be stems shooting up to hold small pink flowers on the end of them.

Back at school again.  I have mixed feelings about that but I will keep on keeping on.  I have so much work to do at home, outside and it just isn't getting done.  I have neighbors who preen their grass and cut it short and smooth so my yard looks like a junkyard.  One other neighbor has not every mowed so I look less scraggy than his yard does.  It will look nice when I get to it. A couple of mowing rounds will clean it all up to be looking good. I still have dirt to level out by the city's ditch that I will have to rake level and I guess I will need to spread grass seed. Large ruts left by the machinery did not go away even after many rains.

It is getting close to the day that I will need to plant tomatoes.  I will spade up some areas and fence it in to protect them.  I think the plants that I planted in March are looking really strong and can be planted directly into the ground.  The frost date for us is May 15th so it will be time soon to get to that job.

Friday is coming.We have been dealing with health problems with our old dog Button.  He seems to have take a turn back to the good now and we are appreciating the days we have been reward again.
I appreciate you stopping by now and do have a great day.

Every spring I have to look up the spelling of allium.
I had to go back to change the spellings again this year.


  1. Hi, I'm sorry to read that Button has been having a tough time.

    I enjoyed seeing your rhubarb. Your hosta is certainly growing well, too.

    We are having cooler weather with strong wind.

    I am catching up on an old spare laptop - my computer is still not working.

    Sending my best to you both and the doggies.

  2. Love the photo of the tall Globe Alum, have never grown it in my
    gardens. Is it a hardy for cold plant?

  3. Poor old Button, it sucks to get old for dogs and people:(

  4. I'm hoping for rhubarbmaybe later this week.
