Sunday, May 1, 2016

Sunday in Iowa.....

I have a new rain gauge and it has had quite a work out this spring.  I dumped two inches of water out of this on Friday.  This measurement was Saturday before I dumped it again.  We may get more today. I guess it is good to know what the actual measurement is because is seemed like it was a lot more than this. I like having one of my own as the neighbor's gauge seems to be mismanaged and incorrect when we get the report from them.

The rains have been hard on the tulips.  Most of them are ready to fall apart petal by petal but the rains sure sped up the process.  What isn't torn apart is laying on the ground.

The rains have removed all of the petals from the fruit tree blooms. It probably was time for them to fall. I don't like that I can't see any apple forms coming on these buds.  I will watch and see if there will be any pears or apples this year.  I don't think the cherries will produce any fruit as they were frozen in the time that they were in full bloom.

The aronia berry shrub is tough and can take most bad weather. It is going to produce a lot of fruit this year.  Aronia's are being promoted in our area and companies are hiring people to grow berries for them.  Some people have been given a thousand or more starts of the shrub to plant for future harvests.

As the tulips go into to their final stages my globe alums are ready to open.  The iris will soon follow.  If we have the warm weather that is predicted for next week I should have a lot of photos of purple globes.  Maybe even a couple of iris will be opened.

We are off to teach Sunday school today and stop for a soup and sandwich before coming home. We are gray today but the misty weather has stopped now. I hope everyone has a great Sunday.  Thanks  for stopping by today.


  1. We have had hard rain pass two days , It sure ended
    a lot of tree and flower blooms. Looking forward to the summer flowers here.The gardener has been pulling out the spring plants.

  2. You got lots of rain! Weneed some again, it is very dry:(
