Monday, May 2, 2016

Monday Morning, Early........

The moon was a sliver piece and the sky was just starting to light up. The horizon looks slanted but actually it is the buildings that make the line seem varied. I didn't get the slice of the moon very clearly as the camera blurred it but the trees sure put off a great shadowed foreground.

There should be some of the old fashioned peony blooms this year.  They don't seem to be so plentiful but I am hope that I am wrong.

The sun is shining behind there on Sunday afternoon. It didn't really ever shine yesterday as it kept being cloudy and misting most of the day.

The lilacs are not looking great but there is the smell and a presentation of some of the flowers. There is dead parts on all of the blooms because of the freeze.

This side of the bush is in better lighting.  It makes the lilac be a lighter color.

A project that I have been squeezing in on the side that I finally finished.  There were actually two of these that I had to replace all the mats and cut new holes for photos.  The young couple now have 5 children and the bottom hole is designated for that photo when she is old enough ( maybe she isn't born yet). It is complicated work to put all the openings in the mat and then cut a liner mat for each photo. I only had to recut one liner as it just wasn't square with the opening.

The garden has all these transitional bloom times. This does represent the ending of the tulip time of the garden. All the rain has really made things grow larger than usual.  My hostas developed quickly with all the moisture and the iris are not struggling because of the lack of rain. I am looking forward to the iris blooming and also the peony bushes bursting open with color.  It has to stop being so cold as the cold has really ruined the true spring we usually have.

I am in the high school English room today.  It has seemed like a real busy day but kids are looking forward already for school to be finished. I think the 27th of May will be the last day.

Thank you for stopping in today.  I wish everyone to have a good week.

1 comment:

  1. Nice framing job! Your tulips are lovely even in their decline:)
