Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Day Number Two......

The wild violets are in their prime at this time. The rains are over and they have a lot of great foliage and many blooms.  The dandelion is always a companion plant to the violets.

The sight of this would make some people very nervous.  I will go out and take it down soon.  I just had time to take the shots at the moment. 

On the ground was a fallen shingle from the neighbors garage.  I picked it up and two garter snakes were keeping warm.  One became quite irritated with me and opened its mouth wide as if it were going to bite me just like a cobra.  No teeth in their heads though. 

This will be the last stand for this group of tulips.  They are all out by the windmill and were planted many years ago.  They are all alone out there with one stray iris.  I moved most of the iris but one piece was still there as it has come up. 

I am counting on this to be opened up today.  We are going to hit the middle 70s today and they are wanting some sunshine. The buds on some of my fern leaf plants were frozen off and others were snapped off by a large moving border collie.  I have a roommate from college that lives in the Pella area and he was given a gift of one of these plants last summer.  He shared his bloom opened up on his facebook site yesterday. I guess it is a plant that needs to be shared. 

This particular variety of hosta is slower to develop than others.  It seems small but it just came up probably three weeks later than the others.  The rains have made all of my hostas to be large this year.

I went out to shoot photos for the blog after supper last night and it was perfect light.  I didn't need a jacket or rain gear to be out there and the photos all seemed to stay in focus for me.  The honeysuckle shrub is looking more full of blooms than I ever thought it would do.  Normally we are dry in the spring and they just seem a little peaked.  

I am working in the middle school special education room today.  I do have a variety of places, meaning classrooms, to visit today.  The week has seemed to start too soon for me and also too slow.  I don't know what that is all about but I will do like everyone else and take it a day at a time. Lots of behind the scenes go on in life and I do get weary from those kinds of things.   I hope everyone enjoys their Tuesday today and everyone finds something special or fun to do.  

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Life can get very trying at times at my age.Glad you share
    your yard and flowers with us. The snakes must not like so
    much water. My daughter sent photo of a large snake in her yard,
    she lives in Texas And they have had way to much rain.

  2. The flowers are looking lovely in your yard, Larry. Glad those garter snakes are harmless, but you sure made one angry when their hiding space was discovered.

  3. Snakes always give me a start. It's the not knowing which way they will move, but very good to have in the garden. The flowers are really looking good.

  4. I would have been scared to death to find two snakes in my yard. We have a few dandys now, it will be warming up at the end of the week:)
