Thursday, May 12, 2016

Thursday Through and Through........

 The spirea is looking good in various parts of the bushes.  Some of my bushes in the alley are in full bloom.  This one looks like it will be having partial blooms on only a few branches. The macro of this makes them look a lot larger than life in the photo.

I have a very old shrub of honeysuckle on the far back corner of my yard.  It was here when I bought the place and it really is a very large shrub now.  It puts out these pink almost white blooms.  Parts of it has died off as the years have gone by but it still puts out blooms each spring.

The honeysuckle that I planted many years ago is a good row hedge in places and in other places it is getting pretty weathered looking.  I planted them to define a hedge when I first bought the place witht he hope for privacy in the back yard.  It does give us some privacy but the far end that has failed will need to be trimmed out and a new shrub put in to replace it.

I am going to blame our freezing temperatures in the middle of spring to the diminished blooms on the bleeding heart.  This is all I am going to see here.  Some dead parts are on the other branches.  I was glad to see it come back for the third year now but this isn't such a great showing for a bleeding heart plant.

This iris has bloomed out a lot more flowers since I last took photos. I like this old fashion iris.  It is small but not as small as the old cemetery iris.  It has been nice that with a lot of patience that I now have an iris bed where the large over-grown spreading juniper once grew.

I am in high school English today.  A lot of the kids are finishing up their high school English classes as they are seniors.  They have a test tomorrow and if they don't know the information by now they are not going to know it.  Last minute studying seems haphazard for them today. I think the senior have only 3 or four class days left. Graduation is on the 22nd of May.

We are having a rain free day today and the temps will be good. I thank you for stopping by today.


  1. I will miss the sweet smell of honeysuckle this year.
    Your flowers are lovely.

  2. I like honeysuckle too! English..not my fav subject! :)

  3. We have the white honeysuckle growing in our woods. At another home, we had a native deep pink honeysuckle that was pretty.
