Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Wednesday's Wandering.....

The old fashion iris plants are so hearty.  This one grows by my basement door and it just keeps spreading.  You can see them growing in cemeteries and they spread everywhere if the mower doesn't cut them back. They are such a small variety but put out great color and lots of blooms.

This batch of iris has really established itself on the south side of my house. I brought this up from southern Iowa where my parents had it growing along their south side of the garage. This seems to be the kind of iris that I think of as the common iris when I was growing up that until my mom started buy hybrids to grow.

This seems to be a perfect place to insert a photo of a log chain.  The company that took down all my trees drove away and left this laying in the grass.  I had placed it in sight for a while to see if they missed it.  I had move it into the grass one evening while walking Barney.  That was a bad move as I pushed my mower into it while mowing a couple of days ago.  The mower still works but there may be lasting bad effects cause to the blade.  I have the chain now laying next to my garden shed and not laying in the grass anymore.

Weigela is a hard name for me to pronounce.  I really had never heard anyone say the word.  A neighbor lady up the street would make fun of me in the way I was pronouncing it.  I can never spell it and if I could I might be able to pronounce it.  I have a white one of this kind but I don't see buds on it yet.  I hope it does bloom.

I wasn't going to share this but I guess it does represent the way things are in the back yard.  It is amazing how all winter this is a completely flat piece of ground and now all the perennials are well watered and growing large. This is a photo  of the kitchen addition of our house that sits on a flagstone foundation.The house is 110 years old. It originally had a door on the exact opposite wall of this one so they could let the heat out in the summer while cooking and canning.  Lines of the original chimney that stood on the left end of the kitchen can still be seen on the siding.  I can imagine that an old wood burning cook stove would heat up that small room quite quickly but was welcomed heat in the winter.

I planted this hosta over by a new garden area next to the ferns. I had to pull the ferns out of the area as it was being crowded.  The ferns are plentiful so there wasn't any loss.  I think this is the second year now since it was planted there.  It looks like it is sitting in a cozy corner with all the ferns behind it and now that the ones in front of it are gone.

I am replacing the Special Education lead teacher today.  I picked up the job later afternoon yesterday and was glad to get it. I will spending my day helping and teaching to small groups of  students. I originally thought it would be a shorter day for the benefit of teacher workshops but I guess I get to stay the whole day.  The schools are now logging all of the hours the students are in the classroom and if they don't make up some of the hours missed because of bad weather, they have to add it on at the end of the year.

We were threatened with rain storms this morning but nothing seems to have happened.  The radar looked like we were going to get hit hard.  I am in a room with not windows so it makes it hard for me to monitor the weather.  Usually we hear heavy rain on the ceiling but that isn't happening right now. I did get the orchard mowed yesterday afternoon and I am glad to be done with it.  I don't know why I am dreading mowing this spring but it is a task I don't like doing anymore.  I know the more often that I mow the easier it is to mow.

Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. I ran over a metal dogleash once (about 50 years ago) when I was mowing the neighbour's lawn - with his riding mower. I was never asked back!

  2. Wowza that is a lot of plants in your yard! Doesn't look like much mowing to be done there! Your Iris are beautiful!! :)

  3. I enjoy your iris so very much. I once had one that came from family friend Mary - it was her mother's.
    Thru the years when we've had trees cut, we've found the chains too. Finally, John sold them at a yard sale!

  4. p.s. I love weigela too. we've had some big, pretty ones over the years. Ours here at this home is small but it did bloom this spring.
