Friday, June 24, 2016

Friday's Offering........

Looking through the fence I can see the regale lily greeting me. It is really doing well in this new spot in the garden.  It is its second year here on the corner of the fenced in back  yard.

My Grandmother Brooks would be smiling ear to ear to see her bulbs still producing flowers.  I remember having only two or three buds on this last year so it really is improving in the hot sunny area.

This is not an impressive project but I keep working at it.  I nailed down the boards on the deck.  It is impossible to get anything perfect.  Wood can be the same width but it really is irregular with different twists and turns.  I left a section against the house unfastened as the fiber optic people may need to get to the whole set up that goes to the box which is right there to the right of the new deck.

I laughed at myself taking the line up of the boards so seriously as the old boards of the original porch are 25 years old or more and they have shrunk and moved around making all sizes of gaps between the boards  I still have a gap between the two posts to fill in with a creative trellis.  It is to the right of the one I rehung a few days ago. One more thing off the list of to do's.  

 I had an unusual contact in the mail about a month ago.  A woman had been researching Murray, Iowa on the net and she ran into some of my photos and things on my Sepia Saturday site.  She said the girl in the top row, middle photo, was her mom.  She wondered how I would have a copy of that.  Her mom apparently was in one of my Mom's country school classes in the 1940s.  It is a long story to follow later on my blog. She and I ended up having the same first cousins but we are not related.  I will explain it all later.

I keep taking photos of my single bloom of the coneflower. It has darkened in color as it keeps maturing. I do see I have four or more buds that will eventually open to join this one.

I was just out there this morning to visit the area and I can't believe how the hot weather has caused the tomato plants that I have look like they are doubled in size.  Sometimes I think tomatoes are like a weed that have gotten a strong rooted foundation and they just take off. I was thinking that those same tomatoes were probably were going to just die because of all of the heat. It was so sadly dry and things look sick.

I am betting a lot of my blogger followers wished I would buy some different sculpture to display.  I would like to do that but I don't seem to be at the right place to find any.

I was out early this morning as it is cold outside and it felt good to walk around.  I took more photos of cornfields and new daylily blooms that are opened.  I will share tomorrow.

I wish everyone to have a great day today this Friday.  Thanks for stopping by the blog.


  1. Your Grandmother Brooks would be happy her bulbs are doing so well and wouldn't she be amazed at how many people (thru blogging) are enjoying them?
    It is a little cloudy here today and we sure hope for rain. Glad your tomato plants are thriving. We did not plant veggies this summer.
    That is interesting about the lady recognizing one of your photos on the blog. I look forward to learning more.
    I wish you guys a nice Friday and weekend. Take care.

  2. Your Grandmas Lily is beautiful!! I am anxious to hear the whole story about the old photo! Stay cool! :)
