Saturday, June 25, 2016

Another Warm Sunny Day........

A warm sunny day brings out the blooms on the moss rose.  It helps to keep the soil moist and I also open up the umbrella on the patio set to keep them from getting too hot.

What a difference a day makes as this was the photo that I took on Thursday evening.  I was studying the photo above and can see that these two were still blooming along with all the others.  They will get a good drink of water again this morning as it is 80 degrees F. already at 8:00 in the morning.

One of the new daylilies that has started its blooming session. The maroon of the petals are darker than the other one that I share a few days ago that is so similar.

The next bloom to share is the one of the daylily that grows closely to a large planting of ditch lilies. I have two of these plants in different locations. It is one of my favorites but the lighting on this really doesn't let me get a great true shot of it.

A third variety that is open has different petal shapes than most daylilies. There probably is info out there to explain the differences of flowers.

All of the hostas are now blooming.  They each have a different time period for blooming but all have the stems extended with buds out ready to open or they are blooming like this one.

Overcrowding is a problem with my planting habits.  The hosta bloom is squeezing itself up and out into the open with the competing plants all around it keeping it from spreading out.  I may have to move this plant.  The sedum planted in the ceramic tile ais doing good but I didn't get any blooms.

No big plans for the day.  We both are a little weary today and the heat really does help stall any plans outside.  I will water tomatoes in the heat and I have a framing project going on right now as seen below.

I wish everyone a great weekend.  It has seemed like a short week but I guess for sure that it is Saturday.  Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Moss Roses are the prettiest little blooms! Have a good weekend! :)

  2. The moss roses colors are so bright and cheerful; they remind me of gumballs in a gumball machine!
    Many years ago, we stopped at a house where the lady was selling off some of her daylilies. I remember her saying that tetraploid daylilies were brighter and stronger than diploid. (I don't know the difference!) I always enjoy the photos of your blooms.
    You had a lady in the past that would ask you to frame lace last names - is the Lord's Prayer lacework from the same customer?
    Take it easy in the heat.

  3. Great color in your yard!
    Like the prayer doily.
