Sunday, June 19, 2016

Sunday Evening.....

As I blabbed  on about the hollyhocks I discovered late afternoon yesterday that I had blooms.  It didn't start at the top of the stem but at the lower bottom of all the buds. The sun shines through the top flowers as the front one was in the shade.

Another discover is this red hardy geranium. It had been in the basement over the winter and a part of it has come back to life. The camera picked up the color of a deeper red when in reality it is the red that is more orange= red in color.

The sun was strong and to the west.  It created a shadow that I rarely see or capture with my camera.

We are back to having 90s and it isn't going to cool off much during the night. We may have storms in our future. Tomorrow is a Monday and a new day. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Good Monday Morning, Great shadow shot. I love hollyhocks. Your photo with the sun shining thru is very nice. Very pretty geranium and rose, too. I was just watching the early news and temps across the country are dangerously hot. We are having to water the plants. Take care and you two have a good day.

  2. Happy Fathers Day Belated, I hope you had a good day! :)
