Monday, June 20, 2016

The Monday Begins.......

The first bloom of the season for my coneflower matured quickly.  I guess the hotter weather put it into a mature common shape as not long ago it was still looking like a daisy.  The colors are so intense that the automatic camera seems to shutter and shake.  It was hard to get a focus on the flower.

I really don't know why I slanted the shot.  It just happened as I share how this lily matured into many flowers.

As with the coneflower  the camera reacted to all the deep colors of the lily. There is not yellow on the lily but a reflection on the lily shows up as yellow or sometimes white.  After the success of the move of this bulb I am thinking that I will move more of my Asiatic lily bulbs.  I have single bulbs planted as single plants scattered throughout the garden.

 I really don't know why I did that. I think that when I was younger that I thought all the bulbs would multiply and spread.  This variety and a few others that I have never did multiply.  I have other smaller Asiatic's that have spread and there are dozens of blooms now where I originally had planted a couple of bulbs.

I forced the job to get it done. I guess I was waiting for the roof to be finished with the layer of shingles.  I had to do problem solving to figure out the hanging device.  The local racoon used to crawl up the white pole in the foreground as you can see his muddy paw marks on it.  I witness that same creature rush and crawl up the new pole.  So when I designed the hanger for the trellis I knew that I needed to make the trellis hold the weight of that masked bandit. Earlier he would crawl up there to eat the maple seeds that had fallen on the roof but now he really has no reason to be up there. By the way, one could put a level on both of the poles and they are perfectly vertical.  The camera distorts things in relationship where you are standing with the camera.

Raspberry season is here and I need to get out this morning and pick the ripe ones.  The patch isn't big enough to get enough berries for pie.  I will  pick every other day and we can make a sauce with them for ice cream.  Raspberries on ice cream is so good.

It is Monday and I guess I am ready to face it.  The heat is bad even though it isn't as bad as the southwest is having.  I will water tomato plants while the  rain barrel water lasts and then I may go ahead and use the garden hose to water everything that needs it. I will stay out there only long enough to get the jobs done.  As the weatherman mentioned today, we will be wearing the humidity today. Everyone take care out there and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Your decorative trellis looks great, I hope something goes up it beside a raccoon! Maybe Morning Glories! We were hot and humid yesterday , I mowed the is cooler :)

  2. We are very hot and humid been so much rain.
    Here in the south we have lots of wild Blackberry's
    I have been watching a patch getting ripe along the back road as we
    come in. In my younger days I would pick them but not now.
    Raspberries here have to be cultivated they don't grow wild.
    Have a good day!

  3. Heat, Heat and more heat here in the Tennessee Valley, Summer is in full swing, even on this first day.
    Coneflowers are just so elegant-looking especially the "Wild Swan" variety.
    Your lilies are gorgeous, it's hard to photograph reds, you did great !
    Yum those raspberries look delightful :)

  4. I do like the trellis. Speaking of rascal raccoon, Theo's newest dog toy is a raccoon! The raspberry sauce for ice cream would be a real treat. We are waiting til nearly dark to be outdoors to water. Take care and you two have a good evening.
