Sunday, June 26, 2016

Sunday Shots

The ditch lilies, field lilies, are coming on strong.  I think it is on of my favorites with all the dimensional parts of the flower.  The color is fantastic.

I will call it bee balm but I guess it really is monarda.  I have a large garden of these.  They took over the entire corner of the fenced area.  It looks good there even when it isn't blooming.

It looks like a weathered bird rather than a flower at this stage.  I will take more photos of it in full bloom. You can see how the plants have spread all the way into the corner.

While I was out taking photos at the cornfield I saw this sight. The ground was so dry that large cracks had formed.  It isn't an unnatural thing.  The soil just gets so dry tht some parts of our soil just breaks up into chunks.

We had a true thunderstorm last night and we had an inch of rain or more.  I have a full rain barrel now.  In fact, from experience I know that it takes an inch of rain to fill it. If it rains more than an inch the water barrel overflows.  It didn't overflow.

We have had high level of humidity almost every day this week. When I would walk the dogs at night and take Button out in the middle of the night it just was uncomfortable humidity.  The rain storm didn't make a change in it. We will be up to 91 F. again today and then we will cool off a bit.

I wish you all a great day today.  Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. I remember having both red and dark purple bee balm. The hummingbirds just love it! All of your flower photos are pretty. Still no rain for us and temps near 100. Everything is burning up. I hope you two can stay in the cool house and have a pleasant afternoon.

  2. Gorgeous lilies ditched or not. The hydrangeas have grown on me as they do so well in my mostly shaded woodland gardens...

  3. I think Monarda looks like fireworks!! Mine have all winter killed. I do have some seed...perhaps I should stew it around! :)
