Saturday, July 9, 2016

A Saturday Stopping Spot.......

A clear sky means we had a cooler night than usual.  An artist by the name of Maxfield Parrish painted scenes like this a century ago.  Many movies now incorporate sky scenes like this in their movies. It is a dramatic sky and creates a definite dramatic mood.

On the same day the sun is going down and the river birch takes on various tones of green. There are too many leaves for the trunk to be seen. I have yet to get the one branch trimmed back away from the garden shed.

The hosta takes on this caged look as it tries to spread through to the other side of the trellis.  I am experimenting again with my photography practices.  I spend a lot of time straightening out my photos to be perfectly horizontal and vertical.  I am now shooting things with the camera with the tip just seeing what happens. This one would probably be just a good if I had straightened but I let it be.

This back hosta would be growing very large leaves it it weren't so crowded.  It sits between the sidewalk and the fence which effects its ability to get large.


This one plant that was moved away from that group has grown into a very large leafed plant. On a cooler cloudy day I am going to dig up a lot of starts and place them elsewhere.  I want my neighbor to have a few of these large leafed ones. I was looking at a magazine at the bookstore today and an Iowan couple have planted in a half of a lot full of hostas with walkways through them.  I don't think I want to get that fanatic even though I am sure many people in town believe I have overplanted my two lots.

The goal for this shot was to se how many blooms I could get into this one shot.  There actually is a field lily bloom behind the one on the left but I guess it can't be counted if it can't be seen. When I saw them all in a row and had to snap the view.

The paper backing has not been put on the back side  of this frame job and the hangers too are not on it, so you have not heard any loud SHOUT for joy.  I think I will reserve the beg shout or SIGH when she picks it up and takes it out of the house.

I guess I still need to put a coat of paste wax on the frame to make that wood feel smooth as silk. Time will pass quicker now as the most difficult processes are not done.

It is a nice summer day today and it feels good to be outside.  I appreciate your stopping  by today.  Everyone take care out there.

1 comment:

  1. Your frame job is beautiful!! I like your Hostas too! I was wondering how they would do with less shade in your yard:)
