Friday, July 8, 2016

Friday's Title..............

This is another one of my hardy geraniums that I spent the winter in my basement.  I had bought it new last year because the two colors is a new variety.  I have yet to see if I have saved every kind that I had from last summer.  I don't see any white ones or a pink ones and I don't think they did survive.

The empty clay pot shows that we have been having some good measurable rains.  This pot is cheating as it collected water down from the folded up umbrella on the patio table.

I have three different variety of daylilies that are similar but not the same.  This is the lightest version in orange colors of the other two kinds.

This is the time we play the song about "anticipation" that they play during a food commercial.  I suspect it will be another bright orange lily but we will wait and see.

I have a set of lily stems that I braced up yesterday from being fallen because of the rain.  I have another planting of the same yellow, brown spotted, lily that needs to be staked up.  Its problem for me is there are twelve or more stems that need to be raised up and held in posting with string. From my memories of the past that it doesn't look better when I get them tired up to the post. I maybe need to use more than one post.

This is that lily that I braced up yesterday.  You can see we are only getting a back view of it as it was use to be laying on the ground and blooming upwards.

Here is a view of it from another stem with plenty of buds that will keep the lily in bloom for a long time.

I will quit loading down the blog and stop with these coneflowers.  The flowers are all in different stages so the colors and shapes are all different.

We are to have a cooler day today but it won't be really cool.  It just won't be extremely hot. The humidity was almost 100% this morning as Button wanted out in a cloud of fog and mist.  The fog has lifted now and it does seem like dryer air.  I am sure we will have to crank up the air by noon time because the smaller amount of humidity probably will be uncomfortable anyway. I had interruptions all day yesterday so I am back on task with a project that should have been done days ago.  It is Friday so I hope to finish up something before the weekend.

Thank you for stopping by today. 


  1. Pretty flowers, I especially like the Coneflowers! We finally got rain and boy is it humid today:(

  2. So nice to see your flowers over wintered. Looking good. Nice pops of color.
