Friday, July 29, 2016

Friday's Finds..........

The photo justifies why I seem to always need to grow moss rose each summer. I can't seem to grow poppies even though there is a neighbor that can.  The moss rose is a small form of a poppy shape.  It also is a small version of a rose too.

 The oxalis can survive outside without much difficulty.  I guess I have grown it in the ground in the pass but this is in a pot.  This plant had maintained its shape and leaves most winter months  but at the end of winter it seems to die down getting ready for the next season. So I kept it alive and took it outside in the spring.

The lily keeps putting out blooms even though it is start to show decline. I like this variety as it puts out so many blooms that last for a long time.

The wave petunia has not impressed me yet as it seems to be growing too slowly.  I guess it still needs to get its roots established better. I don't grow petunias very often as our heat is hard on them and they need just thr right kind of care.

While working outside, cutting down the old lilac bushes I looked down to see this in the dirt.  Marbles are always fun to find and this half of a marble was special. I have found the pottery marble of old in garden areas closer to the house but find this out away from the house makes it a mystery.  I suspect the Iowa winters were hard on this one marble as it split in half.  The many stories I could make up to tell of this marble.

I had my min photo shoot next to the blue chair in the living room to see what images I could capture.  It was not easy with artificial light but I took some shots and got a few in focus.

The colors of the half marble does look like some of the older ones that I have when I was a kid.  Someday maybe I can dig through my jar of marbles and find a similar one.

It will be a cooler day today before the warm up coming to us soon. The phlox are really enjoying the temperatures and they will hang around longer.  The rest of the lilies are about gone now along with the bee balm.  I have things to do outside so will take advantage of the weather.  Thank you for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. You just got to love a Lilly, Yours have been great this year.
