Saturday, July 30, 2016

Summer Shots........

The corn grows tall with all the moisture and a few very hot days.  I used the zoom to get the shot as the neighbors were out and about on their property.  When they are gone I can walk the property line out to the cornfield and get close up shots. I share this photo because the tree in the photo is helped to be balance with the morning dove on the electric wire. We have rolling hills in our area and you can see the other farmer's corn field on the hill heading to the horizon.

The neighbor cat likes to rest on a rail.  He was there for many hours yesterday while I was outside working.  I have water damage on my side porch roof.  I am tearing off any wood that has gone bad and will need to replace new boards on it.  The porch was built 30 years ago by some younger kid and he really didn't do it correctly.  I will return to the job and fix it right this time. 

Another shot of the flag that I finally got download into picasa.  I am doing battle with picasa as I download a set of photos and only half of them show up in the file. I keep trying and certain photos won't move onto picasa.  I did open up another folder and it let me download them all.  I think back as to wondering how many photos never got to the final destination and I just forgot that I had them.

Everyone hates tech problems but this one took me a while to catch. Blogspot also is giving me a glitch right now.  When I go back into a post and edit something, it resaves the same posting, blank, as if I am created a new post with the old title. I end up with the original post in the list and another one with the same title right above it.  All I have to do is delete it but I shouldn't even see another one created.  Anyway, it seems that things that have worked for so long now have to have an ability to be flawed.

The humming birds are liking the bee balm and I just took this shot right after one of them left the area.  It was landed on a branch right above me as I took the shot. When I pointed the camera in the direction of the hummer he just left.

This is zinnia number 2 that is opening here.  I only have one color of zinnias this year.  I couldn't find a mixed packet anywhere and none of my old seed germinated this year.  I will just throw all of the old stuff away now. I do think the butterflies like these flowers but there are not many in bloom.  In fact there is number three opening up right now.

We are having sunshine today after two days of clouds.  It is normal temperatures right now but we are to get hotter in the future. Seeing the sun is nice and it now looks like a normal summer again.  I hope all is well you.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. What a fantastic shot of the corn field, we do seem to love our corn :)
    Sweet kitty, relaxing on the fence post !
    Your flowers are looking so well-tended, and colorful.

  2. Download Picassa 3 and I think your problems will be over.

  3. I've had the same issue with blogger.

  4. Your Phlox and Bee Balm are beautiful! :)
