Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Middle of the Week......

The old guy just crosses his arms and sleeps.  I have never seen him awake.  I had a set of three of these guys and the other two went to the landfill the past few years.  He always has seemed like he is in meditation.

It is early morning yesterday and this is one of the last of the stems with buds and blooms on it. It is partially opened here. As a bulb plant I would not think it would open and close at night.  I think it was just opening for the first time.  The three plantings of this lily have been the show stoppers this season in the garden areas.

I finally was able to get a shot of the small yellow butterfly.  I think the only way for me to catch a photo of the inside of it is to find one that is dead or caught in the front of a car grill. I have a shot of the white one but this yellow one is a first for me this year.  In the old days, when I was younger I should say, I can remember seeing this butterfly variety surrounding a water puddle after a rain.  They would all be drinking water in the bright sun.

The television is on as I blog and I look up to see hollyhocks blooming in Japan.  When I researched moss rose the one time I was amazed as to how it grew all over the world.  It must be the same with hollyhocks that grow in a similar climate or at least with a similar growing climate.

I have no blooms of morning glories yet.  I am finally getting vines to grow.  I will be glad to see what color they are as they seem to surprise me with their different colors.  I may have to wander over to the neighbor's corn field and see if the glories are blooming in the wild.  I did not get any wrens in that house this year.  I have wrens in numbers in the orchard area but not in the house.  I guess I need to get one of my ladders out and take it down to clean out the mess inside.

I had a swallowtail visit the coneflowers yesterday.  I had seen him the day before and he looked like a small bird flying about.  I guess the black on them make them seem bigger. I have other shots of this guy on my Photo a Day Blog. I did have a visit of the lighter colored swallowtail also.

I am not sure that this is the exact same butterfly that I took photos of a few days ago.  If it is, this one seems to have been ruffed up a little bit as its wings are weathered.

I am going out to work in the yard today.  I have a cool morning right now that won't hang around for long.  Yesterday morning it was hot as I mowed some of the yard. The humidity was less but it still was hot.  Today we will return to heat and heavy humidity.  I am cleaning up the area of the two old white lilacs.  I have been cutting back their very long branches and it is a lot of work.  I mentioned earlier that they are 30 year old bushes that I just had never trimmed back.  Now I have a mess of overgrown of bushes with the only green leaves being at the top of its 25 foot limbs.  You can't see the lilacs blooming when they are that tall.  The purple lilacs don't seem to grow that tall.

July is almost gone now and I really don't know where the days have gone. I am not a fan of winter anymore so I hope the fall stretches out for a long time.  As I finish this off I can hear an airplane that is spraying chemicals on the beans.  Kill the weeds before the combines go to work next month.  Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. When we lived at the first place in Arkansas, Bennie had a big
    garden. There were fields of soy beans all around us, when they sprayed
    he would lose some tomato plants if the wind was just right.
    I am with you June and July went to fast.

  2. I think that it was you that inspired me to plant morning glories in the yard this year; not sure, since it was mid-May when I planted them. Anyway, I tilled up a row right in front of my small fenced garden, and planted pink, blue, purple, and white morning glories along the fence, and then a row of yellow marigolds and short, multi-colored zinnias. The morning glories have been blooming for a couple of weeks, and I had a record(for me) 25 blooms this morning, a mix of all the colors but white. The Zinnias blooming are almost the only ones blooming of all the Zinnias I planted in my many flower beds. But THEY are doing well, and are so pretty. The marigolds are also blooming. They were supposed to all be lemon yellow, but somehow quite a few orange/red have popped out among the row.

  3. Your butterflies are so pretty. That poor sleepy elf needs a paint job! :)

  4. The butterflies are looking happy at your place.
