Tuesday, July 26, 2016


The bumble bees are so busy this time of the year feeding on a lot of different kinds of flowers.  I don't see the honeybees much but they are smaller so they are probably out there. Bright sun and shadows are strong so I really never could get the bee into focus.  I just saw a goldfinch at the coneflowers this morning.  I don't think there is any seed ready for them to have but the bird must have been checking things out.  I do know there are plenty of bugs out there and maybe it was looking for them.

I planted more tomatoes over by the garden shed as I had the plants to deal with.  I don't kill tomato plant starts even when I don't need them.  I ended up putting 12 rescue plants out there and the majority are now blooming. They have caught up in size with the  original plants that are in the back yard.

The back yard plants are most all now with tomatoes on them.  This roma seems happy with me now that I water them every single day. I sort of missed a day on Sunday so there were a few of them warning me with wilted leaves that they felt neglected.  I watered them n the afternoon yesterday and they did perk back up again.

I have picked four cherry tomatoes now and I am certain that I will quit counting as there are so many of them.  I am thinking this variety was the cherry 100's as I look at the bunching of the stems on the end of a branch.

I missed a photo of a black swallowtail yesterday.  I only saw it once and it never came back.  With its color being so dark, I first thought it was a small bird.  I hope to get a shot of it but I don't always make those things happen.  The small white butterfly did hold still for me for a while but the yellow small one didn't land long enough for me to even point a camera its way. The white one is enjoying the flowers on the mint plants.

The pears are looking great this year.  The bees really did do a good job of pollinating them.  I have so many of them.  The variety must be a small sized one as I saw a pear tree a few blocks away that had huge, larger, pears on it than these are.

The apples are not so plentiful this year but I hope that means the apples will be larger.  I have had a lot of apples fall off the stems already onto the ground.  It seems to be a normal behavior as the trees seems to shed off apples very early in the season too.

Some shots out there that I just have to take as the flowers looks so good.  I know that I have saturated my files with photos of these in excess. This one bloomed later than the other two that were like it so I can just keep taking shots.

It is to be warmer again today and the humidity is going to be high also.  It seems like the weather people are apologizing for it but I would rather know what I am going to get in weather rather than what they wished we are going to get.  The predict a high of 89 F.   today and I bet we will be 92 degrees for sure. 
 It is Tuesday and I have things to do.  I keep plugging along and hope to see completion on some things today.  I quit setting goals to be very high now that I am taking it easy.  Getting things done is just the goal.  Thank you for stopping by today to visit my post.


  1. Oh my your tomatoes look fantastic!! Such pretty flowers too. Today we are still warm and it rained again last night. The skeeters are emerging:(

  2. Looking good. Pears! What a treat they would be.
