Friday, August 12, 2016

Damp Week.........Finished.

I do get corny once in a while but this is the real thing.  I ventured over to the cornfield between rains to see how the morning glories were doing.  It was mid morning and the humidity was making it hard to breathe.  The one corn ear per stalk is doing well.  I don't know if it needs more hot and dry weather to finish up but it isn't getting the dry weather.

The sun was shinning and it worked better for getting these shots.  It was at a good position for me to do the camera work. A lot of the blooms were weathered from the rain and I think maybe the flowers were already starting to shrivel up and leave.

On my Photo a Day blog I shared some abstract compositions with lots of corn leaves and vines. I had the sun shinning in my eyes and I really could not see the water droplets on everything.  The camera did see them though.  I do know that the wet grass was causing water to leak moisture into the toes of my old shoes and my socks were wet when I got back home.

The blooms on this lily do last a long time as this is just the second bloom coming out. The first bloom is still looking good.  My neighbor lady thing\ks we had four inches of rain this past day.  I have a gallon bucket filled to the top with water which meant we did get a lot of rain. The petunias looked drowned and the tomatoes are beaten down and short again.  I don't think that hurts the tomatoes but they just don't look so good.  If they were not tied up like mine are, they would all be laying on the ground.

I am on hold with this project as the person who has hired me to do this is not returning my phone calls.  I need to buy wood for the frame now.   When it becomes difficult to contact customers it reminds me of why I just wanted to get out of the framing business. I have this laying on the dining room table and it will stay there for a while and I will move on with it later.

I have lots of other things to do right now before my summer ends. I have mentioned a year ago I was having trouble with a section of my roof over the art gallery.  The organic shingles on that roof were designed to break down when the product is thrown away.  The problem is that they started to go into decline before I was done with them. I am dealing with that problem right now. Snow sitting on them in the winter caused them to fall apart.

Today is suppose to be a cooler day and I don't think the next front will come through until this evening.  We are having the greenest August in our history of weather.  It also means the weeds are bigger and greener too.  I don't think I will catch up with that.  I appreciate your taking time to view and read my blog.  If you only view it then you can get through this spot faster I know.

Anyway, thanks for checking in today.


  1. One ear to a stalk on the corn is not good.
    Maybe they should just do morning glory's ?
    Your project looks great, they should be very pleased.

  2. Pretty blooms with rain on them and that pink rose is stunning! I hope you get your roof problem fixed! :)

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