Saturday, August 13, 2016


I usually keep the wheel barrow under the roof edge of the garden shed.  I have spent the summer collecting water for the tomato plants out there.  This the result of a wheel barrow being left out in the open while there is four inches of rain during the night. I don't really need to water the tomatoes with this but I will try to share it with them in a couple of days.

We gave a knock out rose to the neighbor yesterday.  Her oldest sister had passed away and we thought this would be more lasting for her than cut flowers.  We got another one that I designated as to be my wife's rose. I will try to get it planted today.  I will probably plant the neighbor's for her too when she decides where she wants to plant it.

I have been busy and never really saw the unfolding of this bloom.  It is the multipetaled version of the zinnias that I planted. 

I don't remember what it is that makes the zinnia to put out two versions of a flower on the same plants.  There is a third variation also of the one zinnia being very dark in color compared to the other blooms. I think the pale ones on the right of the photo will darken in color in time.

My outside pet of the neighbors is enjoying laying out on the porch yesterday afternoon.  He has been living over here most all of the time now.  When I took Button outside during a rain the night before last  he was there enjoying the protection from all that water.

It is Saturday already.  Where did those weekdays go?  I have had a busy week and I will take it a little easier today.  We are cooling down some today and maybe for the new week.  If the grass ever dries out I might cut it.  I normally do that on Mondays. 

I thank you for stopping in today.  I wish you all a to have good weekend.


  1. We may get some rain, sure need it.

  2. Those zinnias are so colorful. I had a cat when I was a little girl that looked a lot like this one today. Very sweet.
    And are these morning glories at the end of the post?

    We met another neighbor today. She is in her 80's and her name is Oma - that's as old fashioned as "mildred!" She has one of every tree and flower imaginable. Just a delightful lady.

    Each day we've been here, we've seen several deer. Oma shared with us that the deer eat her Stella daylilies!

    I hope your weekend is going smoothly. God bless you both.

  3. Been enjoying all your Morning Glories.

  4. Beautiful as always. I'm curious if you found records of the white ladyslippers in Northern Iowa?

  5. We got rain too as if we didn't have enough already! Yes I must mow too. I like this cooler weather it can stay all month! :)
