Monday, August 29, 2016

Start the Day Running......on Schedule Again.

The Sunday surprise was the first blooming of the morning glories on the porch. All bloomed, first time the same day.

The flowers are all blooming toward the light, of course, so they don't bloom on the porch side.  I will take more photos of them from the other side another day.

I shared the rolling hills of southern Iowa on my Photo a Day blog. Here is another one showing the hill and timber of the area.  Grazing cattle can be seen, and I did see them, but I didn't get any in my photos.  I was at the  wrong place to get those cows in my viewfinder.

This photo again shows the rolling hills.  There might be black spots there on the right which would be angus cattle.

In comparison to the south this is where I live in central Iowa.  It is prairie with lots of flatter land but not perfectly flat, like you find in northern Iowa. We do have loess hills in our area but that takes too much time to explain.  Another day and another blog I can share some loess hills.

I am off to school today to start my subbing job for a woman who has yet to have her baby.  I keep watching the email to see if she had it over the weekend. I am to be there with her until she goes to the hospital on Friday for induction.

 I will be a literacy teacher at the 7th grade level for ten weeks. I have subbed in there many times the last few years.  It should be a good time doing it at the beginning of the year.

It does mean I have to go back to a rigged schedule with about 9 hours yanked from my time. That change from the retirement life that I experienced all summer will be hard for me probably the first week.

We have had thunder but no rain the past evening.  I may have to start watering plants if it does finally stop raining in Iowa.  I wish you all a good first day of week day and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Best wishes with your long-term sub job and all the best to the expectant mom.
    Your morning glories are so pretty. I enjoyed seeing more of your Iowa landscape. God bless you, Della and the doggies.

  2. Thanks for the view of where you live, I was thinking corn fields
    every where. Got to love those morning glory's.

  3. is good for you to start out with the students if you will be there ten weeks! How many students do you have? Reading writing and speaking should see some improvements in ten weeks:)
