Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Tuesday's Assignment.........

Some flowers just wait to bloom late in the season.  It is nice to go out and see fresh blooms when all the other phlox are mostly spent.  I have found a new way to edit photos on the google photo site.  I had to ask the Chrome people how to do it.  It was there all along but the command icon is so subtle that I would never had stumbled onto it.

I am back to work at school so I am not home when the morning glories are blooming.  This is the third site where the flowers are planted and this one did bloom yesterday.  It is interesting to me that it is exactly one day later than when the porch planter of vines started their first blooms.  This shriveled bud is actually the color of the ones I posted in the future. The glories are funny like that they turn to a different color when they wilt.

Here is another shot of southern Iowa along Interstate 35.  The inclined land formation goes into a larger hill if you extend your gaze.

I will conclude today on this blurry shot of a weed that is growing in my one planter.  I really don't remember seeing this particular plant before but the head of it has an interesting pattern.

It is Tuesday and I am in my second day of being back  to school.  It is a good thing and I do like being here.  It is a bad thing that I have such a chunk of time taken out of my retired life each day.  I will adjust and be fine. I will quit the whine mode and start to buck up.  Thank you for stopping by today.  Everyone have a great day.


  1. Very pretty Phlox! I enjoyed seeing the hills and fields in Iowa:)

  2. Have a great year at school. Our schools start on Thur. After being retired for 19 years , I'm going to stay retired.

  3. I hope you will have an enjoyable and healthy stay at school this fall.
    Always a pleasure for you to share your flowers and the surrounding landscape.
