Friday, August 5, 2016

The Friday that is...........

Sunshine and clouds are in view before the next shower. I don't think our soil has dried out all summer.  We have had, quoting the morning weather guy, globs of clouds that keep passing through.  Those globs have serious stuff in them and we get thunder and lightening with them each time

 My neighbors will now see me in the street looking up with the camera.  I didn't notice the open window view of the sky in this location until I walked the dog there yesterday afternoon.. Barney was refusing to go outside in the backyard so I had to walk him to get him some exercise.  There was this gosh awful humidity and heat and the only way to get him was to treat him to a walk. It was no treat for me.

For reference of the kind of dog it is I will share a photo.  He is a tan colored border collie.  The shining coat is from me brushing him thoroughly every day to help stop his summer skin condition.  He gets bad allergies in the summer sometimes, not every summer.  When he does I brush and rinse him down with the garden hose in the evenings to wash off stuff that could cause the allergy. He had a siege of irritation about three weeks ago and it took us that long to get it under control.  He can now rest and nap and not be bothered by anything.

Now that it is August, I am discouraged with the tomatoes.  I should be picking things now and it doesn't look like that will happen for a while.  My vines are healthy and there are lots of green tomatoes but why are they so late? I know they need a lot of hot dry days.  They have been getting a lot of hot and wet days. The cherry tomatoes that I am picking now are from a plant I bought that was raised in the greenhouse. It gave them an early start.  But its vine seems to be yellowing from too much moisture.

I am not making plans today.  The weather and other things keep me from meeting any set of plans.  I didn't meet the goal to finish the frame collage of old things. I am not happy about that.  I started it days ago.

When the sink strainer went bad a couple of days ago so did our overhead light above the sink.  My wife  and I spent a lot of time at Menards to find the just right replacement of two hanging lights.

We get them home and the outside photos and descriptions of natural textured glass globes with brass parts was wrong.  It ended up being the right glass globe but shiny black parts and cords.  They are ugly.  I wonder how many people just keep them and use them. We are not keeping them. That will be returned and we will go to a different store. At first we had found one light fixture that we really like but they only had one of them, not two.  The ones we picked out were a compromise as the wires suspending the globes would have to have the wires shortened by me 12 inches or more.  I could have done that but I can not hang black shiny stuff in the kitchen where the main ceiling light is brass. Enough of me complaining for today now and I will quit.  I am waiting and watching the grass dry so I can go outside and mow.  When it visually quits shining, I will venture outside.

Hey, it is Friday, I hope you have a good day.  Thanks for stopping by today. 

 I just proofed my blogs and I only had four negatives today.  I will work on that and cheer up a little. Maybe I should start hiding my emotions when I blog........not.


  1. Some days are just like that. I have never seen a pink surprise lily,
    here they are red. I like the pink.
    Glad Barney is feeling better.

  2. Where's the fun in never complaining? It's human nature. I enjoyed your photos, and suggest that you might fry up some green tomatoes. They are super yummy!

  3. Those clouds look full of rain, at least it's better than a drought.
    Sweet little dog, an unusual color for a Border Collie !
    Lots of good eating there Larry, enjoy your weekend !

  4. Good Morning, Nice to see Barney relaxing. During the day, I take Theo out and the heat/humidity just drain me, too. (John takes him out after dark!) That is frustrating about the light fixtures. We have had to replace a few in the last 2 weeks and we note that everything is made in China. We have had to return two that just did not work right out of the box - it gets old! Sorry about your tomatoes; I do love your header photo and the sunflower shot, also. Very creative. Wishing you both a nice day.

  5. Field Bindweed is the name of that Morning Glory type bloom. I will have to check out Picassa, I never go there but I have photos stored there:(
