Thursday, August 4, 2016

Thoughts and Things for Thursday.........

As homeowners we find ourselves wearing many different hats. The sink drain was giving us problems.  The caulk used  by me many years ago when I insialled the unit must not have been the right kind of caulk.  The caulking did last over 25 years but if eventually must have dissolved.  While washing dishes we started having a problem of the water rushing through around the drain fitting and down under the sink.  I bought the unit new and put it all back in for another 30 years.  I used plumbers putting to get the job done.

The surprise lily, which was not a surprise at all, bloomed its flower yesterday afternoon.  The flower itself puts up a stem and all these buds form and it puts out a few flowers at a time.  The weight of the buds and blooms causes the stem to give out from the weight and the stems, every one, leans over to hit whatever else is growing around it.  I try to stake them up a little as the look like something has knocked them over.

It looks like there will be a total of eight blooms on that hollow stem.  When I looked at my neighbors surprise lilies they are up all around the base of a tree. They all have their stems falling to the side of each other looking like a bunch of x's.

The multi-flora rose is blooming again putting out these little buds. I need to weed around it some but right now we have high heat and 91% humidity.  It is not comfortable to be outside today.

The William Baffin rose put out one more flower.  I keep checking out there as after all the many blooms that I already did have, the shrub seems to put out a few blooms.

The weather today effects everyone. Our house doesn't cool that well but we manage.  The day is just a wash in being able to get outside work done. I hope everyone is staying comfortable where ever you live and that you are safe.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I love the photos of your roses and surprise lilies.

    We have had a retired plumber friend helping us with similar drain and caulk problems here. There is always something to do!

    It is so hot here. John got out to plant the one pot of bee balm I got on sale. His shirt was soaking wet. Several of the neighbors stopped to introduce themselves while he was working. I think we are going to love it here.

    Have a very good evening.

  2. Here's another teacher who does most of his own plumbing.It may take me a while but it gets done.

  3. So you can add plumbing to your list of skills!

  4. Those are some beautiful roses and those Naked Lilies are the best! WE cooled off here today, the AC is off. Not sure how long it will last. Stay cool! We have plumbing projects from time to time also:)

  5. There is always something that needs doing when we own our homes. My dear husband used to take care of everything, now I do what I can and also call for 'help' from others.

    Your lily blooms are pretty as are your roses.

    Your humidity is higher than ours down here in s.e. FL. I try to get out to do any outside work done between 7-10, after that, I hibernate.

    Have a nice weekend ~ FlowerLady

  6. Hey, plumbing is not easy! Pretty flowers and you stay cool, too. This heat is no joke!
