Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Wednesday'a Wanderings..........

The morning glory that grows in the planter on the porch is starting to act like a real contender of the plant world. Because it is in the hot sun all afternoon and is in a pot I have to water it every day.  The morning glory is a stronger vine than some. After it becomes totally wilted it seems to bounce back better than ever. If you enlarge the photo you can see the 112 year old siding isn't holding its paint and I  need to scrape and repaint. That is the kitchen part of the house that sits on its original flagstone foundation. The cedar siding is original also.

Another vine in the area is my neighbor's trumpet vine.  It has grown to be so large and now is growing up into the pine tree.  I am really zoomed in on this as the blooms probably are 15 feet up in the tree. I had to correct myself before typing the name as I use to call it a trumpeter vine and it has stuck in my mind ever since. As a blogger I have to think about words and not just toss them out without thought. I still remember seeing our neighbor boy pull one of the blooms off of the vine and sucking in to taste and or smell the sweetness of the bloom.  That neighbor boy, Monty, is about 70 years old now.

I also remember as a kid on the farm this plant which bloomed in the middle of summer.  It had foliage in the spring that was full and green.  After it completely died down a batch of stems would shoot up and there were many pink blooms on the ends of the stems.  Most garden people know I am talking about surprise lilies also called naked ladies was the traditional name by people of old.  My two whole stems will have many flowers.  I should have a dozen stems but it just doesn't seem to happen with my plants.  It didn't bloom last year. You will see pink flowers very soon.

A piece of leftover wood from my fallen trees has the appearance of some imaginary animal.  I saw on someone else's blog a piece of natural wood looking like an animal so I thought I would share mine.

The old wagon wheel leans against the river birch tree retired from work many years ago. It is weathering well and a reminder of older times of hoses and wagons.

It is going to be a hotter day today.  We were cooler with a lot of fog early morning but it is now warming up. No place for fog in the air when it gets hot sunshine beating down on it.

I do appreciate your visit today.  As the flowers die down the blog will evolve into a different one.  I guess the blog is a seasonal one and when we hit winter, it does get to be boring.  I wish everyone well today.


  1. Summer isn't over so you're not off the hook yet! I do not have much plant knowledge so enjoy your blog even though I'm in a very different growing zone.

  2. Hope your morning glory bloom soon.

  3. I like those bright green leaves shining in the sun.

  4. Good Morning, We had thunderstorms about bedtime and I am hoping today will be some cooler. Can't wait for your morning glory to bloom. I remember a neighbor who had the surprise lilies and how pretty they were lining their driveway. That's a great wagon wheel, too. Frustrating about the paint peeling. It seems there is always plenty to do around a house. Your blog is never boring, no matter the season. I always enjoy you sharing your framing jobs, you and your wife's collections (especially Christmas) and watching your grandsons grow. Hope you both have a wonderful day.
