Wednesday, September 28, 2016

A Midweek Posting........

The clouds in the sky seemed to be breaking up from the strong winds from below.  It is a great pattern that does look well planned out.

Yesterday afternoon's temperatures seem so pleasant even though it was not a high temperature day.  The wind and sunshine made it seem very pleasant outside.

We had bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches for supper last night.  It really is a treat to have a great tasting tomato.  I remember one time when my grandmother fed me a tomato sandwich with mayo and bread only.  It really tasted so good and she really didn't have anything else in the house to feed me.  I have lots of roma tomatoes yet to ripen and  the large steak tomatoes are used in the sandwiches.  The steak tomatoes are few in number.

I posted this photo on my Photo a Day blog today.  I was surprised to see one more set of blooms opened on the William Baffin rose.  The buds really do look like a big T rose when they first start to bloom.  It is great to have a few things like this to show up when most of the flowers are now gone.

It is the middle of the week and we will be cold most of the day.  The furnace thermostat needs to be adjusted so it will turn on earlier in the morning before we have to get up for me to go to school.  I like that it isn't so cold that we have to wear a coat at this point.  I do wear a coat at night when I walk Barney.  Barney loves this cool air and gets excited to go outside.  He seems to be a little bit more willing to go out on his own this days which means we don't have to walk him so much.  He still gets walked by my wife around noon and I take him at night.

It is good that you stopped by today.  Have a great rest of the day.


  1. When we are kids, I think we could eat almost anything at our grandparents house, and it would taste great. You have a lot of tomatoes; did you grow them? Your roses are just beautiful! Are you still teaching school? Retired?

  2. Beautiful roses, these last blooms are precious!

  3. The roses are so pretty. Glad Barney is enjoying the cooler weather. John speaks of his "bachelor days" and eating lots of tomato sandwiches.
