Tuesday, September 27, 2016


The arrangement of rocks have been there for a long time.  I will move them in the fall before the snow falls.  I don't even know from where they originated. Maybe they were in a bucket that needed to be emptied before I carried water. They sort of looked like they are a planned sculpture. The tomato was picked and sits in the arrangement until I get hungry and take it inside.

The other large burning bush is just now showing leaves that are tuning red.  I discussed this in years past but the soil that this bush grows in is different than the other burning bush.  It use to be a gravel roadbed for a driveway where this bush is planted. I think that is why they grow differently.

It is Tuesday. I am grading reading reports today.  I was told to be lenient as the skills of the students vary in ability.  A student who tries really hard may not be able to pull of a good display or have a  great writing ability.  I have them give me a verbal report on the book and that does increase the points if the person is well versed and describes the book clearly.

It is a good day and we are warming up to 70 F. today.  The furnace was humming along this morning and we did need it.  Old houses can be cold houses.   I hope everyone is having a good day and thanks for checking in today.


  1. Teddy is getting so big and very cute!

  2. I saw the new photo of Teddy too...what a doll! We turned on the fireplace for a while today:)

  3. We have not turned on the furnace yet. I am wearing a jacket when I walk Theo now. Teddy is sweet and growing fast!
