Friday, September 16, 2016

It is Friday......

Last evening the clouds were forming to eventually become a thunderstorm.  I don't think these particular ones joined any rain clouds but they are a result of things that were going to happen.

There were all sorts of animals shapes and peoples faces as the winds above moved everything around in the sky.  The color of the sky was such a nice blue.

No dead tree is is sight in this photo and I am glad.  The ability to get better sky photos increased a lot last week.  I like how my trees can frame a sky scene for me.  It is a beautiful day when the clouds are puffy and moving around freely.

The weather seems to be slowing down the growth of the hardy geraniums.  The smaller blooms are still mighty with lots of color.  This one is blooming inside of the planter that holds the morning glory vines.  Even with the rains that we receive I have to water it once in a while as the porch roof deflects some of the rain.

This vine is yet to bloom but I am expect ing to see some before the first frost. There are plenty of buds on it.

We don't have big plans for the weekend.  I guess we get through the week and then see what we can do next. I have a yard to mow, which is overdue, and other outside things to get done.  I can see my window of time to get fall things done is closing in on me.  As with every other year, once the snow hits, all things not done on the list do not get done.

I hope all is well with you out there.  I know weather conditions are really varied in the different states  of the people who follow me.  I wish everyone a great weekend.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Happy Friday! I bet you appreciate them more than usual! You need the weekends to catch up! It rained again today late in the day. I hope you do something fun this weekend! :)

  2. Your sky/cloud pics are very nice. The color of the geranium sure is pretty. This month and next, our area of the state has a lot of fall festivals and "city folks" crowding the area to enjoy the leaves changing color. We are learning to stay home on Sat./Sun. lol
    Sure is a cute photo of Teddy on the side bar.
