Saturday, September 17, 2016

Stuff for Saturday......

The late blooming zinnias put out some great color while being surrounded by the dead coneflower patch.  The zinnia's individual parts alway create this unusual flower.  No two flowers are alike when it comes to the little flowers sprouting out of the center of the bloom.

The insects do like to eat on them as they mature. I had a small planting of them this year but the results still seemed to be successful of giving a spot of good color in the garden.

My littlemigration of seven or more butterflies seems to be done as there are no monarchs in the garden now. Maybe next year there will be more.

There are a few skippers still in the garden but the sedum is already fading.  The blooms didn't last for very long. The flower heads are turning brown.

I have a neighbor boy who is also in my reading class that came from New Zealand.  His dad works here in this country and is married to a woman from the USA. I liked it that he brought in his flag and wore it for one of the special days of our homecoming week.  I had him hang it instead of having him be wrapped in it at his desk.  I asked the boy what the four stars represented but he didn't know.  I wondered if they had four islands as part of their country. The boy doesn't seem to have the accent like his dad has.  It is fun to listen to his father talk in his New Zealand way. There is a lot of added vocabulary words that we don't have.  We do go down yonder but his description is totally different and fun to hear.

Most of the hostas are looking pretty worn down now as fall is upon us.  This one seems healthy yet and hasn't had a leaf damage yet from the weather and insects.

My wave petunia keeps bouncing back after each rainfall.  The plant looks pretty much drowned out and a day later it springs back to life.

We had clear skies this morning and the dew is so heavy on the grass.  I walked around to find some new things to photograph and I became soaked on my shoes. It looks like we will have a good day.  A part of the day I will have to mow the yard. 

It is good that it is Saturday.  I hope everyone is well.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I thought the stars in the New Zealand flag represented the Southern Cross.

  2. Thanks for passing by my page, Larry! These flowers are timely for my postcards link up this week. :D

  3. I agree the three stars do resemble a Cross.
