Saturday, September 24, 2016

Predicting the Future......

Last evening I could see that I had blooms next to the east garden gate.  All I could see was the leftover blooms.  This morning I was pleasantly surprised as to see how far the late blooming vine has matured.

I had plenty of blooms to see and to photograph.  One bloom that I was not expecting to see was the one that was next to the back door.

This vine grew up from last years seed as that was my dominate color of blooms last year.  It is a great surprise and I am glad it was the weekend and I was home to see it.

Thanks for stopping in today.  I wish everyone a great day.


  1. So very pretty. Glad you shared with us. Have a pleasant evening.

  2. very pretty! So nice to see cheerful blooms this time of year! :)
