Friday, September 23, 2016

Remembering to Publish....

It has been hot the past two days and we had rain falling this morning.  The clouds from yesterday afternoon are not looking tremendous but their compositions are great to see.

I hope the neighbors are use to seeing me wandering around with my camera pointing to the sky.  I guess I could start the rumor that the sky is falling.  It is nice to have an open sky without dead trees in view.

I have discovered that it is the sparrows that are darting in and out of the burning bush to get berries.  I don't have any fancy birds in the yard right now but maybe later on as it gets colder I will see one or two.  The berries have ripened sooner  this year in the season than they normally do.  In dry weather they just dry up and the birds don't even stop at the bush.

The peperoni plant seems to enjoy being outside in the sun.  Its leaves really have turned to a different, richer color.  I can see that it is an overgrown vine that I am going to have to plant into a bigger pot.  It is a leftover plant from the terrariums era where everyone tried to grow them in glass containers.  I do like the plant but it isn't an outstanding plant for a houseplant as it sprawls all over the table.

I did discover that after I had lost a blog on Tuesday that I then forgot to post the Thursday's blog.  You get two blogs today.  It has been a busy week at school and exhaustion sits in once in a while when it comes working with students for long periods of time.

This new rose is putting out one more bloom for me.  I wouldn't doubt that I might develop more buds as it just won't stop.

It is a warm, humid day today.  It rain large amounts in the early morning but it has stopped.  A town north us  had heavier amounts of rain than us that caused flooding in the streets.

It is Friday and I am looking forward to it being the weekend.  I hope everyone is doing good and feeling well.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. This morning I saw a morning glory on the fence, on my
    way to coffee. I will look in the morning and get a photo
    maybe before the gardener sees it.
    Don't work to hard!

  2. I would love to smell the pretty rose bloom. I love seeing the berries on your burning bush. Sorry you are tired and I hope you and Della will enjoy a restful and enjoyable weekend.

    About your neighbors seeing you with the camera...we keep taking photos of our front yard from the street to help us choose plants. I know the neighbor must think we REALLY like our house! lol
