Sunday, September 18, 2016

Sunday Buds and Blooms.......

Clear skies Saturday morning meant we had cold temperatures.  It is semi clear that evening too.  A clear sky gives us a great view of the moon but my camera can't capture it for you.

The perfect trumpet shape with great colors.  The white on this flower is so perfect in design and the red color is so rich and pure.

Not a single bud has formed on this plant all summer.  I am not sure if I need to repot it.  I have kept it through the winter inside and I did think I could have had some blooms sooner in the season. It is a blurry photo so try to adjust your tv set screen.

 I shared a similar photo on my Photo blog today of the multi-floral rose.  I do have one more bud on the red rose that is going to open one more time.

I thank you for stopping by today.  I hope everyone has a great Sunday.


  1. I enjoy your sunrise pictures very much and they always remind me of little Button. This morning glory is gorgeous - just perfect. I hope you both have had a restful Sunday. Slightly cooler with rain here today.
