Tuesday, September 6, 2016


The blooms do happen while I am away at work.  The buds do have a great swirl to them as they open up though with the red and white stripes like a candy cane.

The burning bush is hinting definitely that fall is around the corner. It is one of the first shrubs that starts to turn one leaf at a time. It has a lot of large berries formed already which will make the birds happy after they have ripened in the winter.

My favorite hardy geranium has a few new blooms on it.  It has done well with all the rains and its leaves are really healthy for this time of the year.

We went to see the new "Star Trek" movie yesterday. If you are not into that type of movie then you don't care about what I have to say about it.  Those who do love these kinds of things should go see the newest one....many times.  It is the best of the first three.  They have outdone themselves with all of the special effects and the story is so great too.  I know we would like to go back to see it again.  I do know that we will own a copy of it when it is released in stores.

I will keep doing sunrise photos for as long as the weather holds out for me.  It makes me feel better. Now Barney goes out with me when I go to take a shot.  The sky was far better looking that it appeared when I looked out the window to see it.  It is going to be another hot day and the sky is almost clear because of it.

First day back at school and it is slow going.  I am glad I can do this job and I really do like the students.  I hope everyone is having a good day today.  Thanks for stopping by to see the blog.

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning, I enjoy your sunrise photos and will always think of Button when I see them. Glad that Barney is joining you now. Very glad that you both enjoyed the movie; that's a good way to relax. Very thankful that you have this teaching job and that you are enjoying the students. I love the photo of the morning glory blooms with their "swirls." Karen recently photographed burning bushes in her area that are beginning to change color.
