Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Week, middle, Week..............

The morning glories at the garden shed have started to bloom. It becomes a challenge to find new compositions to use in sharing the blooms.  I really like this trellis on the garden shed and I can shoot may shots at different angles.

It was raining this morning in a town south of us. So all we had was the clouds blocking the sun. By late morning the rain did hit and we are glad to get the moisture..I can tolerate the dreary day too because we were getting really dry.  Two hot days in a row were hard on the plants outside.

The phlox have been so wonderful to see in the garden this summer.  Sometimes they don't last very long because of a dry season.  I didn't look it up on my past blogs but I think I have had blooms for two months now.

It is Wednesday and we have a shortened day a school.  I will get out early too as I don't have to attend workshops. The week is going good.  I hope the weather isn't too harsh on a lot my blogging friends.  All at the same time, we all have such different weather.   Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. I have never seen red Morning Glories, they are exquisite !
    Yes, I like seeing your trellis, with the winding flowers.
    Phlox is one flowers we do not have in the garden, maybe I should plant some.
    Looks like you may have rain heading your way !

  2. Your Morning Glories are beautiful! A short day at school yeah for you! I hope you either rest or do a project! :)

  3. Glad your school week is going well. I love the morning glory shots. The phlox is beautiful too. Wishing you a blessed day.
