Friday, October 7, 2016

A Short Report...........

Stella is showing off again as the weather gets colder.  It is the only bloom on the plant and really has not had a good year.  I know you can hear the echo of me saying earlier that, "I need to move this plant."

The butterfly bush really did like being put into the ground.  I wanted it to get some roots establish further than what it had in the pot.  It will have this month to do some more growing.

A photo from earlier this week also showing the trees just now starting to turning color. I am sure that it has changed but I need to take some more photographs.  Yesterday's weather was strange as we usually go get effected by hurricanes.  Not it isn't the same as all but we get southern high moisture air blowing our way.  It was sort of pleasant to be out there but now today we are very cold.  Our high for today is 60 F.  

It is good that it is Friday and the week is done.  I have a yard to mow and fall things to do with patio furniture.   I usually bring in plants gradually as I think about it.  The longer the plants stay outside the less plants that I have to water inside the house.

I appreciate those who stop in for a visit.  I wish everyone a good weekend.  I know that the eastern coast is having problems and I hope that my blogger friends are safe.  Our neighbor's across the street must have driven down to secure their property in Florida.  They have been gone since the weekend last. I hope it all passes very soon.

1 comment:

  1. Your Stella is very pretty! Bonus blooms this time of year. I hope you have a good weekend and get lots done on your list! I still have lots of leaves in the yard:(
