Saturday, October 8, 2016

The Start of the Weekend........

Our neighbor's maples are turning color.  The leaves get blown to far distances as I find the colorful leaves at the back of the house.  The trees are changing and I should get great color shots from them.  Our other neighbors' maple trees did not change this year but dried up and fell from the tree.

The birch tree is now starting it transformation into a splash of yellow color.  It is one of the first to change in my yard.  My camera is having a hard time taking a photo of the full tree.  It seems to be picking up the reflection of the sun so much that it messes with the focus.  I need to try it with my wife's camera or the phone camera.

The river birch has not changed in color much and the sun is actually the cause of its yellowish color.  Working keeps me from watching things happen so I do have to sneak out in the late afternoons to watch what is happening in the yard.

It was so cold yesterday that these blooms of morning glories were still open late afternoon.  I guess temperatures do effect its development of blooms and it didn't get hot enough for the blooms to shrivel up by the end of the day.

We won't be driving to Chicago today like we did last weekend.  It was a long trip but we did have a great day.  It was too long of a day but we did do it. Our border collie had my wife's brother stopping in and staying with him a couple of times during the day.
We really love our grandsons and it was so nice to get to see them. They have grown so much. We were so weary from that trip and today a trip to the bookstore will seem pretty mild in comparison.

I wish everyone a great weekend and I am hoping all my blogger friends are safe.


  1. Real cool up here, I mulched leaves again today, they seem never ending this year. Have a good Sunday :)

  2. Hello Larry & Della, Those long distance drives are very exhausting but I know you really enjoyed seeing your precious grandsons. We have to rest up before our drives to Atlanta and then again afterwards.
    I enjoy seeing your trees. We are just beginning to see some color and our temps have finally cooled.
    I hope you have enjoyed a pleasant and relaxing day.

  3. Love it when the leaves turn color. Finally getting cold enough at night here to make some color soon.
