Monday, October 3, 2016

Did you miss me?????

The bear belongs to Teddy the guy at the top.  The older brother AJ likes the bear too as he is figuring out how to program it to play songs and to talk to him. We drove to Chicago Saturday morning and had a nice visit with the boys and their parents.  It was good to see the youngsters as they both have really grown.  Teddy is almost 6 months old and he will be making bigger strides in his development the next few months.   AJ is moving through the year as being a big brother and growing up to be four.  The parents have a really nice home and they both are great at hosting guests, mom and dad.

A silver spotted skipper kept bouncing from flower to flower. This one is the only one that I took that was in focus.  The afternoon light really did a nice job of giving me a good background for this photo.

We bought a butterfly bush to place near the river birch.  It will go into the ground soon, as I want it to get established before the snow flies. Our purpose was to buy a flowering shrub and we were pleased to see that the Home Depot still had plenty in which we could choose.  Maybe if I get it planted, that some form of a butterfly left in the neighborhood will visit it.

I lost the whole day to make the Chicago trip so I didn't get a Sunday blog posted because I was too tired.    I mentioned in a past blog that it would be soon for the birch to  turn.
Sunday afternoon their were a few spots of yellow color showing.

Another surprise is to see this bloom next to the house.  It is warmer there and the morning glory keeps blooming.

 I am back in the classroom today and I do seem to be almost back to having  a normal life. Sharing it with over 60 kids can't really be a normal experience but I am getting use to it. I hope all is well with you out there.

Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. What beautiful grandsons, I know they were happy to see their grandparents and vice-versa :)
    We've had lots of butterflies this year, and their presence is still all over the garden.
    You'll enjoy your butterfly bush, they are such a draw for the birds, bees and of course butterflies :)
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures.

  2. Enjoy those beautiful flowers while you can! Your grandkids are so cute with their toy. My youngest adored his talking "Barney the dinosaur".

  3. So glad you got to see the boys, they sure are cute!

  4. So happy that you two were able to visit the babies. They are precious. I love the butterfly bush. Your tree is going to be gorgeous.
    Hope you have a good evening.

  5. Always nice to see the grandchildren!

  6. Your Grandboys are growing! I am certain you had a wonderful visit! :)
