Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Tuesday's a Go.........

My mention of the birch turning colors in the future was not to far from being correct.  Monday afternoon I see the top of this tree has started the change.  The maples across the street did not change to the east of us but the neighbors maples are going to look good this fall.

I took this shot down at the bottom of the tree the day before and the leaves were definitely turning yellow then. I will have to take daily photos of the tree as it progresses so fast in its transformation to fall colors.

The burning bush is dropping some of its red berries as they have ripened so quickly this fall. The sparrows are really enjoying them and can be seen eating regularly all day.

It seemed like a macro frenzy photo session the other day as the last of the redder-looking morning glories keep putting out blooms.  This batch blooms against the blue gate which makes the flowers really appear to be special.

The colors of the mandevilla seem harsh compared to the colors of the morning glories.  The plant seems to be flourishing in this cooler weather as more flowers are about to open.  The bloom you see here is the one that I took photos of days ago.

I still have a lot of fall work to get done outside but school keeps me distracted and holds me hostage. I think rain will be falling tomorrow afternoon so I won't get to the jobs then.  I will just have to wait and plug away at the jobs as the time opens up for me.  I hear of different weather conditions in all my different blogger posts.  I hope all stay safe and comfortable.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. The berries on the burning bush are certainly gorgeous. We are experiencing clouds and breezy condition from the storm today.

  2. Rainy here today, I am just waiting for it to stop raining so I can mulch leaves again. I hope you have nice weather this weekend to get caught up! :)
