Sunday, October 9, 2016

Fall is Here......

The condition of this zinnia is a perfect example as to what is happening to Iowa right now.  Things are still green but flowers are dying and the trees leaves are starting to fade.

Laying amongs the creeping Charlie and the wild clover the leaf is showing beautiful color.  This leaf comes from the neighbor to the west who left just one of all of his trees standing. All the other trees were the same kind of tree but they are gone.   The owner before him took out the two well established trees on the street side of the house making the yard to be mostly bare.

Looking through the last of the morning glory vines the day looks clear.  The vines are through blooming now and I just have to watch and wait for the harvesting of those seeds.

A wild vine in the barberry shrub seems to be turning color in blotches. The barberry shrub will be giving me great colors on its leaves as the fall weather continues.

We are to have a warming trend the next few days which probably the result of the hurricane.  It makes us have good weather while they get the fierce rain storms of a hurricane.

Thank you for stopping by today. I do hope everyone is safe out there in my blog friends circle.

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