Friday, November 4, 2016

Finishing off the Week........

The stray branch from the burning bush shines out against the Japanese yew shrub.

The zinnia  stragglers are bright and colorful, but their shapes are pretty much distorted into free forms.

Leaving school a few days ago the sky was a bubbling kettle with such a disturbance in the clouds.

The clouds were moving quickly so the clear sky was showing through a little in this photo. It was unusual having the sun so high in the sky and the clouds being such shadowed shapes.

The silver maple was glowing from the setting sun.  The color was so rich that I had to take one more photo of that tree. The pine in front looks almost black in comparison to the maple tree.

The distorted shape doesn't distract from the beauty of the flower.

As I walk through the back yard I have some serious piles of leaves waiting for me.  I will need to make an attempt to mow them up over the weekend. Barney doesn't seem to be too bothered by them but I bet he wold like me to thin them out some so he can run through them more easily.

I am looking forward to the weekend.  It has been a very busy week at school and I want to get some time off from that work.  One more week to go baring any emergencies that would require me to stay longer. I hope to catch up on all my work at home before the weather turns on us.  I wish all of you a great weekend.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I hope you will enjoy the weekend and I'm glad your job is coming to a close. I enjoy your photos from around your yard. We just did not have a lot of color this year due to the drought.

  2. You are on the final countdown. I am sure you have lots of Fall work to do! We had those same skies here on Wednesday. Nice day today! :)
