Saturday, November 5, 2016

Such Things to Share.......

It will be warming up today.  It doesn't really get hot until late afternoon but it is still a good fall day when you don't have to wear a coat. Sunrise views had me and my wife out on the patio taking shots of the sunrise. We were up early today so we didn't miss it.  I did venture across the street and took shots behind the neighbor's property.  You can see the uncluttered view on my Photo a Day blog.

We are headed out to get some things done this morning. We always end up in a bookstore but we have a couple of other places to visit. We will welcome the time change even though they should have changed it weeks ago.  I have leaves waiting for me in the afternoon and a wood pile of old lilacs branches waiting from me when we get back.

I did spend the entire day on last Saturday rehanging our gallery entry door.  I didn't have much confidence that I was going to succeed once that I started but I had to stay with it. The door itself sort of balked because it was use to sagging. I had to unfasten the frame of the door and realign it with the opening.  It now works like it is suppose to work and it hangs straight with the world. I wish everyone a good day today.  Thank you for stopping by my post today.


  1. Have a great Saturday. Should be nice here today too. We're headed out for a 5K for me and a 10K for my hubby. He's been training and training for it with his running buddy. I'm just planning on a nice brisk walk. :-)

  2. Good to hear you got your door project done. The weather looks favorable for the next ten days...I love a Fall like this!! :)
