Monday, November 7, 2016

First Day...of the Week.

While I was returning from walking the dog I look up while we walked through the gate.  To my surprise I saw a white morning glory that is budded an blooming right above the gate. There are a lot of  blooms that could open as long as we get a little warmth during the day.

The single bloom looks like the very first and I will be watching it the next few days.  I have been busy collecting seeds from the other vines around the yard.

I was expecting to see multiple seeds inside of the morning glory seed heads.  What I did find was one large seed inside of each of these bud heads left after a single day bloom. The photo does look like it is upside down but it isn't.  The seed pods just lay funny because of all those prongs coming off of them.

A third of these leaves are not off of the maple tree. I mowed a large amount of silver maple leaves and also my neighbors red maple leaves on Saturday.  They mulch up pretty fast and I will return again maybe by next Saturday.

I really like my new computer and need to start transferring things.  I will be slow with that as I go back to teach one more week.  I am at the point that I really want to be done with the job.  Most of the kids are great and it was good to get to know them.  A few of them have a lot of things to deal with in there lives and their behaviors.  I learned a long time that one teacher can only encourage and direct.  One teacher really can't fix a student. The new generation has a lot of things that make them have different problems than I did when I was a kid in school.

I wish everyone to have a great Monday.  I hope the weather holds out and we have pleasant days for a few more days.  Thank you for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful white flower and what a great bunch of buds! One more week and you will be done, I am sure the kids will miss you:)
