Sunday, November 6, 2016

Memories of the past......

The past few months have given me time to have a collection of great photos. I need to take new photos but haven't and I am moving onto a brand new computer. For now I will just share with you the past.  I work on two old computers and a school computer and that all is coming to an end. I will be working on the moving of years of material to the new MacBook Pro. I hope to be throwing a lot of things away too.

The new computer is so fast that I can't keep up with it. It would be nice that it would write itself but I guess I should work at it some. We had the phone company install the fiber optics in the summer and now the new computer flies ninety miles an hour.  I am finishing off my last week of substitute teaching and trying to get the last of my outside work done so I will be a slacker on the net for awhile. Sometimes when I say that I end up doing better blogging than ever.  We will wait and see. I wish you all well today hoping your Sunday will be a good one.  Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. How exciting this technology is, you will get flustered at
    times getting up with the change, we did. But I set back with
    amazement at where we are today.
    Have a happy Sunday!

  2. Good luck with your new computer. It's always nice to take a look back.

  3. I bet you will like your MacBook Pro, good for you! A fast computer is great! :)
