Thursday, November 17, 2016

Thursday's Here.......

I will have a panic-like work day as I need to get some essential things done today.  The snow will probably not hit here but the cold from that cold front will be here.  I have all my sticks and branches burned now and the yard in the area where the two trees were removed is now looking good.  I mowed over the area where a wood pile had been and that looks good.  The one line of peony bushes have been mowed down now so the snow can cover the area with out debris on it.  I have worked on the porch inside roof and should be abel to finish that this morning.  I have some siding problems to correct and then I will be done.  Cushionedson the patio furniture usually are brought in when there is snow flying as that is just how I do it.  I can leave that  job off my list of things to do.

I did get a set of new photos taken yesterday so I did do a late set of blogs later yesterday afternoon.  I have new photos to share for a while now.

This stray tree can be cut down later as it will be easy to see.  I have a few of those that I didn't get trimmed out during the summer so I pick them off when I am in the mood.

I am glad we had a longer fall than usual with the weather being warmer.  I know that it could mean that we  will have a hard winter.  I know that we need moisture right now as the soil was full of cracks under my wood pile.  I tried digging in a mum yesterday and it was hard digging.  Snow doesn't give us much moisture but it will be helpful.

I took this shot thinking that the color was so neat to see on the leaf.  After editing the shot, I see that it is the back side of the leaf.  There are a lot of nice read leaves falling from the ornamental pear tree right now.  They will have to fall now for sure with a hard freezing happening.

I have already shared my chores for the day.  I hope that I don't get top much interference from others who live around me as I will need to stay on task.  I did share a small pet carrier yesterday with the neighbors who have a new puppy.  It was Button's first carrier and he really never liked it very much. Button learned to just sleep in an old rocking chair while we were gone and he stayed there until we returned.

The third burning bush that sprouted up from the roots of a dead shrub are about done dropping its leaves.  I have beds of red leaves all around the other two bushes.

Thank you for stopping in today.  In case you are wondering, I am not missing the work at school.  It is nice to do work at home.


  1. Going to have cold here this week-end, need rain bad.
    Snow would be even better for the fires in the deep south.

  2. Cold here but no snow expected. Hope you got everything done you needed.

  3. Snowing here now. Hope you get your jobs all done before you get the snow:)
