Friday, November 18, 2016

The End of the Week is.........Here.

A reflection of the fall trees is seen in my old kitchen window.  The actual reflective material is the plexiglas piece that I have as a storm window.  The whole window is a double window and it really needs to be replaced. My wife's blue glass collection of small pieces sits in this one ledge of the window.

My indoor garden is starting to bloom as the cold air moves into our area.  I brought in four containers of hardy geraniums this morning as the wind was blowing wildly.  I will probably keep a couple of those upstairs and the rest will go to the basement.

I have a few more things to bring inside but that should take less that 15 minutes to do so I won't be whining about that anymore.

Anyone who has followed me for very long knows that I really like wood.  I like cutting it, I like nailing it together, and I just plain appreciate seeing it assembled.  The shelf is bare now that held a window box full of hardy geraniums. I am also reminded that I never got that gate painted blue.  Life is just too busy.  I needed about two more weeks of warm weather to get the things done that I wanted to do.

I will miss these kinds of views of the sky.  I know that I will see them again but as the season changes it is a rare sight to see.

I worked long and hard yesterday getting some very essential  jobs done.  I had a roof valley that needed attention.  It will be good for the winter before the shinglers come in the spring.  I finished most of the porch work and yet I could have used a couple of more days on that.  I have some siding boards to repair this morning in the cold but I will hope for another warm up later on to finish up some painting.

We have errands to run today including some Thanksgiving purchases to make.  Barney is our of dog biscuits and he has to have them to survive.  We have other business things to do and then we will be home to rest.

I wish everyone a good day today.  I am hoping the people who need rain will get some today.  I am hoping the snow that is falling in the north is not too heavy and my friends in the south, I hope do not get too hot. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Sounds like you got the real important stuff done! Snow here and it has been all night, so far our electricity is still on, it is a heavy wet snow:(

  2. I like your blue glass pieces in the window too!

  3. I'm also a do it yourselfer and I know how busy things can get. I wouldn't have it any other way.
