Saturday, November 19, 2016

Saturday's Stuff.......

I took the photo yesterday, November 19th, as the wind gusts were blowing and the temps were cold. I thought all of the vines were dead. I shared a couple photographs yesterday on my Photo a Day blog. One of the shots has my hand in the picture as I had to hold it still from all the wind.

We were 26 degrees F. this morning when we got up.  The wind was still blowing a little but it has subsided.  As you can see it was a very clear, cold night.  All day yesterday we had the clouds that could have given us snow but it didn't happen.  It was clearing last night as I was walking Barney.  The wind does seem to blow right through winter clothes.

As I worked outside yesterday morning I kept seeing the shiny red leaves laying in the grass.  The ornamental pear tree was dropping its leaves quickly now that it was so cold.

While walking Barney late afternoon I was able to pick up one of the sycamore tree leaves from the neighboring property.  They are so large compared to the leaves  in my yard. Most of those leaves don't cross the road into my yard but once in a while the wind will toss one my way.  The cities new and deep ditch will collect them nicely.

While messing with my iPhone camera a couple of nights ago I was able to capture this modern piece of art.  It is funny how I am trying so hard to figure it out and this photo seemed to be a joke.

The white moon streaks through the sky and the green light on my neighbors shed created a line in the photo too. My son captured great photos with his cell phone camera.  He used a tripod with it and it did turn out good.  I guess I have to get the tripod out and see what happens.

It is Saturday morning and I am still trying to warm up from my working outside yesterday.  I could use a partially warm day to touch up my house in places but if not, so be it.  We may venture out today as the morning sum helps take the temps up a little bit.  It isn't going to be warm but it will be better if the sun is in full view.

I appreciate your stopping by today.

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