Sunday, November 13, 2016

Sunday Afternoon......

My second burning bush has joined the first one in showing its fall colors.  The line design of the branches look like a row of trees as one gazes through the jungle.  The yard has a floor of red leaves now.  They are too small to rake so they will lay there until the snow falls.

This photo shows the angle glancing over to the carpet of red leaves.  It seems to be an unfocused shot but the mood is really great.

We haven't had a hard enough freeze to ruing the tomatoes.  They cherry tomatoes actually have continued to ripe these past weeks of cool weather.

I keep saying that this is my final harvest and then I go back and pick more.  Some of the past tomatoes did not go ahead and ripen and I had to toss them. I do think the romas will will turn ripe but the others may not make it to an edible stage. We have too many cherry tomatoes already in the fridge.  We will need to eat more salads.

One more time the William Baffin rose is putting out another batch of blooms. The cool weather has not bothered the rose. I have a neighbor who has Knock Out  roses that are blooming profusely as if it was early spring.

Sunday is here and it will be go to get some rest.  I hope that the weather holds off a while longer and  it doesn't turn real cold. I have a lot of outside chores to do this week.

Thank you for stopping by my post today.


  1. How lucky you are to still have fresh tomatoes in November!! :)

  2. I can't believe you still have tomatoes. I think of Iowa as the same latitude as us, but I guess you're actually quite a bit south, at least if you're near Des Moines.
