Monday, November 14, 2016

First of the Week.......

As I walked Barney in the late afternoon the clouds in the sky were putting on a show.  The jet stream from the jet flying while flying over has spread.  It almost looks like a could too.  While out I met on the street two girls from the neighborhood who were running,  yelling, and having a good time.  Both were from my former class.  While there a third girl rode up on her bicycle and stopped to see Barney.  Because we had stopped to talk I was able to shoot this sun setting behind the houses.  Because of the changing  of the time I can walk in the afternoon and see a late afternoon sky.

 From another viewpoint I was able to catch two jet streams crossing each other. The power lines seem to be always present in the natural view.

It was a lot cooler on Sunday and I was bundled up.  I couldn't see the moon coming up but it was said they were both in view at opposite horizons at the same time. I did see the larger than life moon last night but I don't have the special lens on my camera to capture it.  I did see it in the middle of the night and it was quite a sight to see.

The two sycamore trees still have their leaves and the sun setting did cast a good light on the two trees.  The one in the most light shows off the orange leaves.  The leaves of a sycamore tree are large compared to a maple leaf.  They will scatter throughout the community for us all to rake or mow.

While photographing a Christmas ornament last night I saw this scene of three sets of eyes looking back at me.  Teddy is older now than what he is in that photo.  He is a sweet little guy who has turned seven months old in a few days. I will share more about the long lost Christmas ornament later.

I am behind with my outside work and I will start working on the list of things to finally finish up this week. I will have to wear warm clothes but I can do that. I hope that in a five day period I can say that I am done with it all.   Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. We are getting cooler here now and our trees
    now have color. Bet you are enjoying your freedom
    to work and not keeping up with time it is.

  2. Congratulations on being retired again! I hope you enjoy your time as your own. I love seeing your photos, especially as I live in the high desert of Albuquerque, and we don't have the same trees, and we do have an awful lot of brown during our winter,

  3. You better do some extra work on day four...I think they are predicting a winter storm for us on Thursday or Friday...but that may change. We are ready as much as we can be! :)

  4. The Sycamore tree's color is beautiful...We have 60 wildfires in our fair state, so the annual show of autumn leaves is not near as colorful this season.
